Being the Best of the Best of the Best: Is 110% the best you can do?


Miss Lorraine: Irate babysitter to the stars

Caption: "Dad, Jesus & me. July 27th, 1974"


Buying expensive shirts so that everyone knows we can afford them

Attn: Millionare baby

I'm sorry that I called you Millionare Baby to your face today. It slipped my mind that it is a nickname that we use behind your back.
You really do look like a baby that is a self-aware millionare, though.

I hope that you can find the humor in this.


I was a young, tyrannical guitarist: Memoirs

Attn: Construction workers on the #2 bus

Please quit trying to convince me to work in a trade.


make make make make make make make make make make make make

"Whats keeping you from selling out to God?" ?


Sailing bok choy boats in the bay of china